A grounded forest solution for urban environments
As 70% of the world population is expected to live in cities by 2050 (United Nations, 2018), a radical approach towards cityscape is needed to allow citizens to access nature in their daily lives.
We propose to include trees and their needs, both above and below ground, as an absolute necessity at the beginning of the development of public spaces.
Tomorrow, we must introduce forests in our cities rather than planting solitary trees. We will receive great benefits in return such as improved public health and climate change adaptation.
Global urbanization challenges ask for a new attitude towards trees and a new craftsmanship that we develop at SYLVA, creating a bridge between landscape architecture and urban forestry.
As a design practice we want to organise a flexible collective of participants in order to make tailor fit solutions for every project.
©Jacqueline Fuijkschot
©Jacqueline Fuijkschot
Jean-François Gauthier  
Landscape Architect [M.Sc.]
I am a landscape architect involved in urban renewal projects. 
In my practice, I develop a fascination for forest ecology, its applications in urban environments and the design of socially inclusive public spaces around nature in the city. 
Using various drawing techniques, I aim to create speculative landscape designs that visualize what a forest can look like in the public domain. 
With the project ‘Trees First’, I explore the system and possibilities of the urban forest; focusing on trees in the city as a starting point for better public space design. 
I am also involved in education and am currently coordinator for the Pre-Master & Minor Landscape Architecture at Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam.
©Jacqueline Fuijkschot
©Jacqueline Fuijkschot
College van Rijksadviseurs
Provincie Zuid-Holland
Municipality of The Hague
Stimuleringsfonds voor de Creatieve Industrie
Academy of Architecture Amsterdam
Kosovo Architecture Foundation


SYLVA VAT number

Dutch Chamber of Commerce

Architects’ Register

Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Feel free to e-mail us at info@sylva.la.
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